reVISION Art Show
Imagine you are blind but you enjoy art. How would you have access to art? Most museums will allow you to book a special tour where you have to wear gloves to touch the art, you are instructed on what you can and cannot touch, and your sensory impairment is essentially put on display. You are no longer just an art patron.
reVISION is more than an art exhibition—it is a service to the community. Our goal is to create inclusiveness in the arts. A place where patrons who are blind can just be art patrons. Sleep shades will be available for sighted patrons so they have a chance to experience art through their other senses. We hope to spark a dialogue about creating more inclusive opportunities in cultural art organizations for individuals who are blind or visually impaired, as well as raise critical funds and awareness for VIPS Indiana.
Due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19, VIPS had to cancel the opening night of reVISION 2020. The show was scheduled to be open March 13-April 30, but due to the stay at home orders, the public never was able to experience these incredible pieces in person. We created this accessible website where you can find all of the artwork featured in the 2020 show. VIPS received 50% of the proceeds from adult (non-student) artwork sold.