Preschool Transition
and Advocacy

VIPS Louisville
VIPS Central Kentucky
VIPS Indiana
Preschool Transition
Sending your child with blindness or low vision, and in many cases, additional disabilities can be quite scary and overwhelming for parents. VIPS wants you to feel confident that you can advocate for your child's educational needs as your child transitions out of VIPS programming and into the school system. We offer guidance on navigating the school system to ensure your child will receive an appropriate education with modifications and tools to help your child thrive in an academic setting. We want you to feel confident about letting go as your child prepares to embark on the next phase of their academic journey. Therefore upon parent request, a VIPS education team member will assist in the educational planning for your child by attending public school ARC (Admissions and Release Committee) meetings or private school planning meetings to write your child's IEP (Individualized Education Program) or Accommodations for Learning Plan.
Services for Children Ages 3-5 (Kentucky Only)
VIPS offices in Kentucky provide services to preschool children both privately and through contracts with local public school systems. Services for this age group include:
- VIPS Teachers of the Visually Impaired and Orientation and Mobility Specialists conduct learning media assessments, functional vision assessments, and Orientation & Mobility (O&M) assessments.
Direct Intervention & Preschool Consultation
- VIPS provides direct intervention in public and private preschool programs where VIPS children are enrolled. Consultation with preschool and childcare staff members is also provided.
We provide early intervention services for all of Kentucky and Indiana!
VIPS provides early intervention services to Kentucky and Indiana's youngest children with blindness or low vision. Services include evaluations, in-home visits, and access to resources that help parents and caregivers better understand and support their child with blindness or low vision. Contact us to learn more about how you can take advantage of the many programs and services that are offered throughout the year.
Would you like to speak with someone directly?
Give us a call at (888) 636-8477.
Want to learn more?
Contact the VIPS office for more information!