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Aria Makes Progress With Aicardi Syndrome

Aria Makes Progress With Aicardi Syndrome

Jun 16, 2017

Our beautiful daughter Aria was born January 2014 and has…

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Planned Giving in Retirement

Planned Giving

Jun 16, 2017

Have you ever thought you might want to leave a gift in your will to VIPS or another charity of your choice?
A few years ago my husband Charlie and I sat down with our lawyer to update our wills. It had been a long time since we had made any changes. Our lawyer has a great “bedside manner” and obviously has helped many people over his professional career to write their wills. He asked us many good questions, one of which was “what charitable organizations mean the most to you, and would you like to remember any in your will?” My answer was obviously “yes!”

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Child Spending Time with Parent

The Outdoors as Sensory Input for Your Visually Impaired Child

Jun 16, 2017

The outdoor environment is sensory-rich! Wind blowing across your skin and through your hair, warm sun on your skin, sounds made by wind blowing the trees and bushes, sounds of birds, traffic, church bells, dogs barking, sounds of swings and other playground equipment, the feel of grass on your feet and legs, the rough texture of bark on trees, the tickle of leaves when you walk under branches, cold squishy mud, dry sand, and fragrant soil that is ready for planting are all experiences that provide wonderful sensory input.

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