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Read inspirational stories of VIPS children.

Harper playing in ball pit at VIPS Kids Town.


Harper  was diagnosed with Joubert's Syndrome but her development and growth continues with the help of VIPS .



Lola's story begins in Costa Rica where her parents began their journey to better understand Lola and her visual impairment.

Preston's story


Preston was diagnosed with a Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) but continues to make progress with early intervention through VIPS services.

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Boy is in an adaptive stander with toys in front of him

“Little Medical Miracle”

Written by Natalie, mother to VIPS child Gatlin Meet Gatlin, our…

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Young boy surrounded by plants in his wheelchair smiling

Resilience and Love Amidst Daunting Medical Challenges

VIPS mother, Kacey, bravely shares the emotional journey of their…

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Lucas laying on his stomach on the floor

“We are so grateful to be a VIPS family”

Driving home from the ophthalmologist’s office, Victoria and Josiah’s concerns were confirmed— their baby boy Lucas has Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) and Strabismus. At the time, Lucas was not able to track his toys, watch his older brother dance, or see his parent’s faces. His family felt defeated. 

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