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Lucas laying on his stomach on the floor

“We are so grateful to be a VIPS family”

Driving home from the ophthalmologist’s office, Victoria and Josiah’s concerns were confirmed— their baby boy Lucas has Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) and Strabismus. At the time, Lucas was not able to track his toys, watch his older brother dance, or see his parent’s faces. His family felt defeated. 

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Twin infant girls cuddled up next to each other

“There is no obstacle we can’t overcome”

Written by VIPS parents, Brooke & Luke— “Our Brynnie girl is a Mono-Di twin—two sacs, and one placenta that our girls shared. Her twin sister’s name is Blake. My pregnancy was incredibly high-risk, and we had no idea how tough of a road we would have. To make a very long story short, I was…

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The Elsa Heisel Sule Foundation Awards Visually Impaired Preschool Services $5,000 Grant

Lexington, KY: Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS) announced a $5000 grant from the Elsa Heisel Sule Foundation for the Early Childhood Intervention Program, which provides early intervention services to children, birth through age 5, who are blind or visually impaired in Boone, Campbell and Kenton counties. “This funding has a life-changing impact on children in…

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Children playing with blocks outside

The Debut of Summer Short Course at VIPS Kids Town Preschool

By: Staci Maynard, VIPS Teacher of the Visually Impaired This summer, VIPS held its first summer short courses in Louisville. Familiesfrom across the state were invited to bring their child with a diagnosed visual impairmentto VIPS Kids Town Preschool for a three day session of activities, assessment, andobservations themed around favorite aspects of summer. The…

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Avelyn and her mother

A Mom on a Mission to Advocate for Her Daughter

Avelyn (Avy) lives in Southern Indiana, spending her days outside with her siblings along with her animals–a cat, a dog, and eight chickens. She is a bubbly, playful, animal-loving almost-three-year-old who currently receives services from VIPS due to her Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), Anisometropia, and hypermetropia. Avy loves wearing her purple glasses as she works…

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Kosair for Kids Logo

Kosair for Kids Grants VIPS $150,000

For 100 years, Kosair for Kids has served the children of Kentucky and Southern Indiana by providing care, joy, and hope. Children with blindness and vision loss have been the beneficiary of these blessings since 1999. This year, Kosair for Kids has generously blessed VIPS with an amazing $150,000 grant in support of early intervention…

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Crusade Logo

WHAS Crusade for Children Awards VIPS $182,000

Founded 70 years ago, the WHAS Crusade for Children’s mission is to make life better for children with special needs. They have absolutely fulfilled that mission at VIPS! In 1984, when VIPS founders providing critical early intervention to children with blindness and vision loss was but a dream, the Crusade for Children stepped up to…

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United Way of Central Indiana logo

VIPS Wins Inaugural Power to the Parent Grant

Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS) is proud to announce it has received $33,330 through the inaugural Power to the Parent grant thanks to the Parent Advisory Council through the United Way of Central Indiana. This funding will be used to provide critical early intervention services to Central Indiana’s babies and toddlers who are blind or visually impaired…

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Gloria and Odin sleeping

Gloria & Odin Stay Positive No Matter the News

Smiling through adversity, VIPS child Odin, has brought such joy and positivity to his family over his young life. His mother, Gloria wrote to VIPS telling the impact her son has on their family as he navigates life with a visual impairment. The family experienced negativity from doctors and those around him, but it brought…

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Who is Tala Beth, “Warrior Princess”?

We are so grateful to Christine, mother to young Tala, for sharing her family’s journey— Tell us about Tala! “Tala is a 2.5-year-old young girl, full of joy! Tala knows exactly what she likes and dislikes. She enjoys being part of the day-to-day activities of life, but ultimately loves the chaos, drama, and excitement of…

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