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Isaac sits in his stroller with mom, Traci, next to him, and siblings, Haddon and Noel smiling nearby.

Isaac’s Arrival

On January 19th, I was on bed rest and about to go crazy. I was 4 cm, 80% effaced, and knew that Isaac could be born any day. That evening, as I was watching TV, I thought my water broke and it was finally time to go to the hospital and give a *natural* birth.…

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VIPS Board Member, Paul Frazier, at age 4.

From VIPS kid to VIPS Board Member: Meet Paul Frazier

VIPS board member, Paul Frazier, brings a lot to the table. He is the father of a preschooler, a former educator, a businessman and a natural advocate with a charismatic personality and a heart of gold. But one of the strongest qualities Paul brings to his board responsibility is the critical perspective he has as a…

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Wallace Braveheart is a 20-month-old superstar!

Wallace has several diagnoses and is our miracle boy, hence his middle name Braveheart. We went from planning his funeral at 33 weeks during my pregnancy, to 193 days in the NICU/CICU following his birth, to home and thriving. We were introduced to VIPS once we were home for a few months and started to receive…

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