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Graphic that shows three women under a text bubble that reads, "Updates to our Leadership Team"

VIPS Leadership Team Expands

May 13, 2024

We have some exciting news to share! Our VIPS Leadership Team…

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Lucas laying on his stomach on the floor

“We are so grateful to be a VIPS family”

Apr 2, 2024

Driving home from the ophthalmologist’s office, Victoria and Josiah’s concerns were confirmed— their baby boy Lucas has Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) and Strabismus. At the time, Lucas was not able to track his toys, watch his older brother dance, or see his parent’s faces. His family felt defeated. 

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Twin infant girls cuddled up next to each other

“There is no obstacle we can’t overcome”

Jan 9, 2024

Written by VIPS parents, Brooke & Luke— “Our Brynnie girl…

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