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VIPS team members posing for a group photo

Leading the Way for Best Practices

By Kathy Mullen, VIPS Director of Education The VIPS community was well-represented at the 2024 AER Biennial International Conference this year. Five team members traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina in late July to share news on the exciting things happening within the VIPS community and to learn from our amazing collaborators from across the country…

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Young boy surrounded by plants in his wheelchair smiling

Resilience and Love Amidst Daunting Medical Challenges

VIPS mother, Kacey, bravely shares the emotional journey of their son in her article, The Incredible Story of Sonny Jules. The journey began in August of 2021 with much uncertainty as their son, Sonny, was diagnosed in utero with a congenital brain malformation called  Dandy-Walker syndrome—a form of Hydrocephalus. Sonny’s birth marked the start of…

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Lucas laying on his stomach on the floor

“We are so grateful to be a VIPS family”

Driving home from the ophthalmologist’s office, Victoria and Josiah’s concerns were confirmed— their baby boy Lucas has Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) and Strabismus. At the time, Lucas was not able to track his toys, watch his older brother dance, or see his parent’s faces. His family felt defeated. 

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Twin infant girls cuddled up next to each other

“There is no obstacle we can’t overcome”

Written by VIPS parents, Brooke & Luke— “Our Brynnie girl is a Mono-Di twin—two sacs, and one placenta that our girls shared. Her twin sister’s name is Blake. My pregnancy was incredibly high-risk, and we had no idea how tough of a road we would have. To make a very long story short, I was…

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Children playing with blocks outside

The Debut of Summer Short Course at VIPS Kids Town Preschool

By: Staci Maynard, VIPS Teacher of the Visually Impaired This summer, VIPS held its first summer short courses in Louisville. Familiesfrom across the state were invited to bring their child with a diagnosed visual impairmentto VIPS Kids Town Preschool for a three day session of activities, assessment, andobservations themed around favorite aspects of summer. The…

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Gloria and Odin sleeping

Gloria & Odin Stay Positive No Matter the News

Smiling through adversity, VIPS child Odin, has brought such joy and positivity to his family over his young life. His mother, Gloria wrote to VIPS telling the impact her son has on their family as he navigates life with a visual impairment. The family experienced negativity from doctors and those around him, but it brought…

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Jacob’s Journey— growing and thriving with each day!

From Melisa, mother to Jacob: “Jacob joined our family via domestic adoption in September 2020, at 10 months of age.  At the height of the global pandemic, we had the delight and honor of welcoming our son, Jacob, home forever!  What a joy!  Before Jacob’s adoption, we were aware that he had experienced global developmental…

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Meet Noah: a social butterfly who happens to be non-verbal

“Noah is full of life and laughter,” says Becci, mother to almost 3-year-old Noah. Noah is a social butterfly; he loves playing with his brothers and interacting with anyone who wants to talk to him. Noah is not able to use words to talk but that doesn’t stop him from communicating. Thanks to a collaboration…

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The first year is the hardest

“Having a baby with complex medical needs and being in the NICU for 48 days wasn’t what we had expected,” said Stephanie, mother to Madison who was born in January 2020 just before the COVID-19 pandemic began in the US. Stephanie recounts, “Dealing with the trauma of her birth, the uncertainty of her future, COVID,…

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